Together we can eliminate The HIV / AIDS epidemic.
Together we can eliminate The HIV / AIDS epidemic.
Our mission is to utilize existing technology and scalable processes to implement new and existing treatments.
Our goal is to improve the overall health of children and mothers and provide solutions that save lives.
We strive to foster friendly and long-term relationships by dealing honestly with people and situations and working closely with all our partners.
Since its introduction in 2012, the HITSystem has support HIV services for over 42,000 pregnant women and mother’s living with HIV and 50,000 infants born to mothers living with HIV across over 100 hospitals in Kenya and Tanzania. This includes approximately 15,000 infants and 6,000 women in Kenya and 36,000 women and 35,000 infants in Tanzania.
The HIV/ AIDS epidemic kills over 6,000 African people per day. It’s both preventable and treatable. One of our programs, The HITSystem provides life-saving interventions to those affected most by HIV/AIDS.
HITSystem is a decade-old innovative healthcare software solution that aims to achieve complete prevention of mother-to-child HIV transmission by improving PMTCT retention, Maternal HIV viral suppression, and HIV Exposed infants...
KNCR is a portal for The Kenya National Cancer Registry (KNCR) program under KEMRI, mandated to report cancer cases from Kenya to the International Agency for Research on Cancer - IARC…
The CTS is a Covid Tracking System that is currently used by the Unified Government of Wyndotte County Public Health Department to document Social Needs Investigations among the Wyndotte county community in Kansas…
CATSystem is a cancer research electronic medical records system aimed at managing cervical cancer research data that can be easily adapted to collect, store, analyze and report comprehensive data on any type of cancer to improve patient care and conduct cancer research in Kenya and around the world.
Emmy: A story of Courage and Hope / Read More in the Testimonials
We are a team of dedicated and experienced healthcare workers comprised of experts and veterans from different fields and various backgrounds, who work both in-person and remotely across the world, in a highly coordinated and seamless non-profit organizational setup.